The Cleanup Project: Take Action!

Congratulations on beating The Cleanup Project! Now it’s time to take action in real life. The following links will help you get started.

Writing Real Climate ‘CEO Letters’

Other Ways to Take Action

Not interested in writing letters? Here are some other areas where you can have more impact than just focusing on your own individual behavior:

  • The Systems Change Lab has zeroed in on three of the highest-leverage places that have the most likelihood of creating what they call a “climate breakthrough”:
  • For those who aren’t into reading press releases, this is another view of those three breakthrough ideas, road transport, green ammonia, and alternative
  • If those aren’t areas of interest for you, they’ve got a list of 70 changes that will probably give you ideas on where to focus your attention:
  • Similarly, Project Drawdown has a list of actions and profiles of people making change.  Sort by what you want to do, whether you’re a company, an investor, a community organizer, or whatever; or sort solutions by sector (energy, food and agriculture, buildings, etc.); or just click the “Shuffle” button and see what interesting climate solution you get at random!